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Accounts Officer AR Wellington Education Group

更新时间 2024-05-27 浏览量 459次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Wellington Education Group
工作性质 兼职,实习,合同工,Casual
学历要求 不限
签证要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 离车站近,团队友善,成长空间
公司地址 level 1, 338 Pitt Street
联系人 Baron LI
联系我时请说明是在 今日珀斯看到的,谢谢!


Wellington Education Group operates 2 Australian accredited Colleges (Berkeley Business Institute, York Business Institute) in Sydney running VET courses. As an integrated group, Wellington Education focuses on training, consulting, resource development, project planning and promoting an advanced educational philosophy to ensure high-quality education to our students. Wellington Education has collaborated and partnered with a number of education and training institutions as well as higher education providers for students' future studies. It is situated in a prime location close to public transport facilities and cafe district. WEG is looking for an Admin Officer with a friendly, proactive disposition and a great work ethic to join our team. You will work with a very friendly, supportive and progressive team. This role requires a motivated and hands-on attitude.


Wellington Education Group现招聘Accounts Officer 一名。

• Keep track and process accounts and incoming payments in compliance with financial policies and procedures;
• Perform day to day financial transactions including verifying, classifying, computing, posting and recording accounts receivable data;
• Prepare bills, invoices and bank deposits;
• Reconcile the accounts receivable ledger to ensure that all payments are accounted for and properly posted.
• Verify discrepancies by and resolve clients'billing issues;
• Facilitate swift payment of invoices due to the organisation by sending bill reminders and contacting clients with outstanding accounts;
• Generate financial statements and reports detailing accounts receivable status and;
• Verify discrepancies by and resolve clients'billing issues.
• Other ad-hoc works.


- 澳大利亚accounting学历或学生。
- 优秀的学习能力。
- 流利中英文,工作认真,有良好团队合作精神。

工作地点: 338 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 以及其它集团下属其它校区

请有意者将个人简历发送至 hr@wellingtonedu.com.au, 邮件主题请标明“应聘 Accounts Officer _ {姓名}。我们会尽快致电适合此职位的应聘者进行面试。
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