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2021-11-30 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

VETEMENTS推出情人节胶囊限定系列服饰 - 1


VETEMENTS reveals its launch of a brand new Childlike Cartoon Capsule Collection for Summer 2021. The wonderful print combination with an unconstrained and vigorous style awakens the innocent aesthetic concept. The multiple brisk colors put together a pure and strong summer vibe, coupled with "hand-drawing" and "full prints, collage" techniques, several styles that seem to be out of tune have collided into each other, brimming over with surprises and whimsy.


The holiday blockbuster this time uses clip art of retro trend and splicing effect, reflecting children's innocent image while coinciding with the current diversified "outdated cool" and "ugly fashion" trends. So let us travel through time and space, throw a playful party full of bells and whistles, always innocent and forever with passion.

VETEMENTS推出情人节胶囊限定系列服饰 - 2

VETEMENTS推出情人节胶囊限定系列服饰 - 3


Early June marks the coming summer, and it is a time of freedom. VETEMENTS Childlike Cartoon Capsule Collection has been officially launched on the VETEMENTS official website, mini program, Xiaohongshu flagship store and physical stores.

VETEMENTS推出情人节胶囊限定系列服饰 - 4

VETEMENTS推出情人节胶囊限定系列服饰 - 5

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